Thursday, November 10, 2011

Stress and 32 Days til Paradise

Remember my post from a couple weeks ago about why I haven't been posting as much....well it's still going on and I will hopefully have an outcome next week. This "project" has turned into two potential opportunities, which have been eating up my spare time and stressing me out. My face hates my stress = lots of little pimples. Yuck.

I truly cannot wait until this week is over so I can blog more and have a pimple free face again. Hopefully my efforts will be rewarded - I can't wait to share with you all if they are!

Have you guessed yet...? :o)

Meanwhile....32 DAYS UNTIL I'M ON A BEACH! I'm not excited or anything.

Picture on right is the view from our room during the Honeymoon. We are going to the same resort with good friends. Wahoo! More pictures to come!
